-20% stock home MRA 100-1 DIE SPEED/TRUMPF MRA 100-1 $1,874.22 $2,342.78 Recommended thickness from 0,5 to 1,5 m/m (possible 2 m/m Fe) In 1,5 m/m minimum interior flange of 4,5 m/m Minimum angle at 35º Equivalence with V=8 m/m Maximum tonange 100 Ton/mt Sectioning of 440 m/m; 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 50 - 100 and 200 m/m L=500 m/m 7Kg Write your review stock View
-20% stock home MRA 100-2 DIE SPEED/TRUMPF MRA 100-2 $2,062.46 $2,578.07 Recommended thickness from 2 to 3,2 m/m (possible 4 m/m Fe) In 2 m/m minimum interior flange of 6 m/m. In 3 m/m minimum interior flange of 7 m/m. Minimum angle at 60º Equivalence with V=15 m/m Maximum tonange 150 Ton/mt Sectioning of 450 m/m; 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 100 and 200 m/m L=500 m/m 12,5Kg At the bottom of this page you can DOWNLOAD the plane... Write your review stock View
-20% DELIVERY 5 WEEKS AFTER ORDER DELIVERY 5 WEEKS AFTER ORDER home MRA 100-2,5 DIE SPEED/TRUMPF MRA 100-2,5 $3,169.58 $3,961.98 Recommended thickness from 2 to 5 m/m (possible 6 m/m Fe) In 4 m/m minimum interior flange of 14 m/m In 6 m/m minimum interior flange of 12 m/m Minimum angle at 50º Equivalence with V=25 m/m Maximum tonange 250 Ton/mt Sectioning of 470 m/m; 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 100 and 200 m/m L=500 m/m 22Kg At the bottom of this page you can DOWNLOAD the plane in PDF-DWG... Write your review DELIVERY 5 WEEKS AFTER ORDER View
-20% stock home MRA 100-3 DIE SPEED/TRUMPF MRA 100-3 $3,175.66 $3,969.57 Recommended thickness from 4 to 6 m/m (possible 8 m/m Fe) In 4 and 6 m/m minimum interior flange of 18 m/m Minimum angle at 50º Equivalence with V=35 m/m Maximum tonange 250 Ton/mt Sectioning of 455 m/m; 45 - 50 - 60 - 100 and 200 m/m L=500 m/m 29Kg At the bottom of this page you can DOWNLOAD the plane in PDF-DWG with 1:1 scale. Write your review stock View
-20% DELIVERY 5 WEEKS AFTER ORDER DELIVERY 5 WEEKS AFTER ORDER home MRA 90-4 DIE TRUMPF/BEYELER/WILA MRA 90-4 $4,165.39 $5,206.74 Recommended thickness from 6 to 12 m/m (possible 16 m/m Fe) In 6 and 8 m/m minimum interior flange of 56 m/m Minimum angle at 75º Equivalence with V=85 m/m Maximum tonange 300 Ton/mt L=500 m/m 60Kg At the bottom of this page you can DOWNLOAD the plane in PDF and DWG. Measures in milimeters (1 milimeter = 0,0393701 inches) Write your review DELIVERY 5 WEEKS AFTER ORDER View