AJIAL compensation table for a press brake is the latest item manufactured by METALMAQ for a customer from Menorca (Balearic Islands – Spain).

The photos above show the AJIAL compensation table already manufactured, ready to be packed and shipped.

It can also be seen that the compensation is done manually by means of a handle and a decimal sliding gauge, as can be seen in detail in the photograph below.

Detail of the analog counter of the bending compensation table for the folding machine

The picture above shows that we mark our logo and underneath we put the design number together with the internal job number. This allows us to archive all the drawings for possible spare parts requests from our customers and to guarantee that you will have our impeccable technical service throughout the service life of the compensation table (as with all the items we manufacture).


The customer is a locksmith and service centre. Therefore, his series are small, he works with different thicknesses of sheet metal and his job changes are constant throughout the day.

He has an AJIAL press brake on site that is more than 10 years old and, as is usual with older press brakes, its central part gives way and has a lack of bending.

The result of this lack of bending is that when you bend a sheet along the entire length of the press brake, the central part of the bend remains open. In other words, if it is 90° at the ends, it may be 92° or more in the centre.


The lack of bending can be compensated for with thicknesses. Usual way is to lift the die and place gauges or even paper under it to compensate for the lack of bending.

This way is very common, but the drawback is that when the thickness of the sheet to be bent or the length of the sheet is changed, the bending to be applied is different.

If we have to set the thickness manually and the series are short, this means that more time is spent preparing the press brake than actually bending the sheet.

This is why we proposed manufacturing a compensation table for our customer, because by simply moving the handle, the table bends proportionally along the entire length of the press brake.

Why is our compensation table the best solution?

Simply because we make it to measure. In other words, we measure all the dimensions of the press brake, we make the calculations and we manufacture the compensation table exclusively for each customer. This guarantees perfect bending compensation from the very first bend and we also customise its size and finish.

There are standardised compensation tables on the market, but they are all made the same (in different lengths of course), without taking into account the thickness of the press brake, the distance between uprights and a multitude of other factors that change the bending of each press brake and, accordingly, these compensation tables are not as reliable.


As can be seen in the photographs below, the compensation table is perfectly fitted to our customer’s press brake.

In this case, as the previous fixed table was fastened with screws, it was possible to manufacture it with the same fasteners as the original one, and it was therefore possible to remove one and place the other one without losing working height.
